Friday, March 30, 2012

Place: USA South West deserts............

Much of USA South West is desert.....I have visited the xeric landscapes of California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona..........though the deserts might seem alike to the uninitiated, with little interest, you can observe their uniqueness, in terms of flora, fauna, geological features and climate.......
Some from experience....

Colorado desert...en route Grand Canyon, I came across this chilly, harsh and desolate desert....dominated by sage scrubs and creosote bush...

Colorado desert near Page, Arizona looks quite different...with its red Sedimentary rocks and high plateau...........

Mojave inevitable area while traversing through San Bernardino county for Las Vegas, other parts of Nevada and Utah......along with sage and creosote, the unmistakable Joshua tree dot the landscapes..

The slopes harbor a variety of cacti....

Anza-Borrego desert....located in eastern part of San spring it turns quite pleasant, with a spectacular wildflower show...ocotillo, chuparosa, mesquite, mistletoe berry, a plethora of cacti blaze the desert floor.

Desert of Utah..........

Sonoran desert.....while travelling I-8, you can see this vast spring, it looks fabulous with grand blooming season of palo verde......and the monumental Saguaros....

Plant: Succulents in South California........

Many South California denizens have a craze for growing succulents in their yards. Why not, the climate and soil is apt for propagation of these xerophytes. 
A bewildering array of native and exotic succulents are cultivated for garden landscaping... Aloe, echeveria, opuntia, barrel cacti, candelabra, ocotillo, aeonium, crassula, firesticks, dudleya, coppertone stonecrop etc. etc.............


Coppertone stonecrop....


Clumps of cacti are vibrant with stunning flowers, electrifying the landscapes..........

Plant: Ginkgo tree......change with seasons....

An enormous ginkgo (Maidenhair) tree standing majestically along the sidewalk of a neighborhood. 

Gradually responding to the autumn....

Autumn attire....made of gold!!

Mesmerizing canopies.........

And the fruits in fall........borne by only female trees...yeah, ginkgo are dioecious by nature!

Leaves strewn on lawn....

A ginkgo in my alma mater SDSU campus........

Plant: Roses.....the queen of flowers.......

Spring is here to reign. The rose bushes pruned and looking eyesore a month back have yet again embraced their eminence in every garden. The bushes with tender leaves are covered with thousands of buds. Some buds are in primary stage, some barely open, while some of them are basking in full glory. Irrespective of their flowering stage, each of them are poised to attract the attention of the beholders. The plethora of colors, texture, size, pattern and fragrance are adding to the vernal ebullience and resplendence. Have a visual treat...

Freedom and fresh air is vital  for everyone. Seems, even for a rose bud. This nonconformist maroon bud peeps out from the fence for a better sunbath.

Also, these roses........

I am so glad to do justice with the fabulous roses...the mesmerizing color of the intricately arranged velvety petals left me spell-bound, besotted. I mused, rightfully it is decorated with the 'queen of the flowers' epithet..No other flower could have surpassed it in elegance...................

Two half-abloom maroon roses peeping from a neighbor's white picket fence..........

A  fabulous bunch of roses displayed at the mall...........

A lovely, captivating, pink with hint of orange shade rose bud abloom in Heisler Park, Laguna Beach......

When I was a kid, we had some of this rose bushes in our front yard. I loved gazing at the striped pink and white patterns in the petals. I had no clue about the variety. Now, I know it was a Ferdinand Pichard rose variety. I see a couple of these bushes in my neighborhood abloom with equally fabulous flowers. Driven my nostalgia, I  pause for a while to admire and soak in its beauty.

An almost black rose....

Exquisite is the word...