Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Passion: Harvesting food from the edible container garden.......

Gardening itself is extremely enjoyable........the germination of a sown seed, the unfurling of bud, development of  a new stalk....these are exciting events for those who toiled on the garden.....
But, when you get to harvest from the very plants you put sweat and labor......its amazing feeling...
Seems like, my tiny garden will be feeding us  several produce in coming has already started delivering........
The other day, I plucked some purslane and mustard greens..........for stir-fry.......and it was much more delicious than any store-bought vegetables!

A simple, balanced meal with rice and lentil...

Sweet pea shoots are likely to be harvestable in next few days......

Pasta with pea shoot wilts...

Pasta with chard, pea shoot and basil..

Fried rice.......

Mustard..........the leaves have lots of growing todo...yet, I plucked a few for a mixed greens stir-fry..

All the greens.......

Mixed green stir-fry....

And the blueberry tasted good........

Kumquats can be pickled......for now, I am handing over a fruit to each of the guests visiting our place...

Arugula, chard, lettuce, spinach and cilantro seed bought from the garden center are tiny seedlings now. Some of the arugula stalks have become threadlike, which I don't think will survive.

I am excited for the chard. The seedlings look pretty healthy. If they thrive, their rainbow stalks will add volume and color to the patio garden, apart from edible greens.

Cheers to the start of  'growing your own food'.......

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