Saturday, April 26, 2014

Place: Wildlife flavor of Jackson Hole....

I admire the uniqueness of American small towns...and  try to savor them...
When we happened to be in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, as a stopover en route Yellowstone National Park,  visited the town-square and a couple of souvenir shops... its signature wildlife-theme was visible, palpable...
Here I am with a stuffed male elk...

and with a happy grizzly...

Surya with elk and mountain lion..

and  with bear, bison, wolf, squirrel, fox...many more..

The antler gate is certainly center of much attraction...

Thursday, April 17, 2014

SDSU: Beautiful campus and abundant critters....

I have many favorite regions in SDSU campus...this area with the rolling lawn, sprawling sycamores,  koi pond, beautiful Scripps cottage is one of them...

I love taking my lunch here...As I sit by the flower bed overlooking the pond, many beautiful critters show up...
the elegant monarch butterfly...

the red-breasted finch...

Anna's hummingbird...

bees ...

and colorful koi...

they certainly drive away stress...and make the  lunch-time a sort of picnic...

Then there is another side, where a cat resides.......her name is 'Hermione', i took this shot on a rainy day...........

Friday, April 4, 2014

Place: Flora and fauna spotting in Sycamore park..

I captured these pictures in a park in Sacramento...
A robin with its lunch perched on a pole...

A pretty canopy of oak...not sure which species..

A bloom-covered rain tree...

A avian nest suspended from a tulip poplar tree...

Artistically drilled holes on a sycamore...seems like a woodpecker's craft..

A blue stellar jay...

Such wonders of nature keep me excited and interested in my surroundings..

Bird: Parrots, macaws, lorikeets...colors and antics....

Saw these two parrots with intense plumage in Seaport Village, San Diego...
One looked as if soaked in green dye..

Other appeared marinated in turmeric...
They were beautiful and drew lots of crowd ....

It was interesting to spot this pair of parrots use their hand to eat the fruits and seeds...never before seen birds eating like this....


A pair of rainbow lorikeets engaged in courtship...

This guy perched on a branch greets safari visitor year after year.........

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Place: Landscapes around San Diego zoo....

The scenic surroundings of San Diego zoo...
Balboa park tower...

Downtown skyline...

Distant hills..

Skyline silhouette..