Mojave desert......the vast arid land dotted with creosote and the signature Joshua tree, among other xerophytes, stretches from California, Necvada, utah to Arizona..........
We often have to traverse it while accessing North-East California, Las Vegas,, have travelled through it numerous times.....the stunning Hw395 runs through it.....also I-15, I-40, I-58....
The vast, desolate land can make anybody awe-struck......some shots...
Amazing geological features....
Painted hills...
Low altitude, saline flats....
Layers of hills which ultimately graduate to become the Sierra range...
On overcast day, the depth of the landscape is more spectacular..
Jagged granite rock formations..
A grey day with the Saline stretch of Owens Valley glistening in a never-ending straight-line...
The straight roads piercing through the desert floor........
Stunted bush..mostly creosote and sage scrub...
Abandoned houses and Metal sculptures......