Monday, February 6, 2012

People: Dog walking in nature trails............

The bucolic setting of the sedge, reed, bush sunflower and cattail-infested chaparral nature trails in Upper Newport Bay marsh offers ideal ambience for a multitude of relaxation opportunities. Dog walking along the curvy, narrow path while overlooking the migratory as well as resident birds and wild flowers soothes the stressed physique and psyche of both the master and pet. That's why, every time I frequent this ecological preserve, see them enjoying themselves..

An elderly lady enjoying an autumnal dog-walk along the scenic Upper Newport Bay trail. What could have been a better exercise, fun and bonding for the duo?

1 comment:

  1. Dog walking is an essential business of many as well as past time for pet lovers to spend their time to exercise with their dog companion. However, many individuals who are into walking dogs forget some courtesy in the area they walk used for the task.

    Dog Walking Markham
