Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bird: Hummingbird spottings in South California............

This part of South California is proud to have a thriving population of hummingbirds. Be that Anna's, Allen's or Rufous hummingbird, we have the privilege of watching their lovely plumage, acrobatic stunts and listening to their enthralling calls.
Every single time I venture out of our house, I go  with my camera in tow, because these tiny beauties show up and I can't miss taking their photographs. Some shots.........
Blending with the bare pear tree......

Atop acacia shrub.....

Feeding on aloe nectar...

Just the size of a dried magnolia seed pod........

Crocosmia drink......

On a pomegranate twig........

Perched atop an alder twig ..............

A tiny Rufous humming bird perched on its favorite sweet gum tree. Despite maximum zooming, this is all I got.

Silhouette of a humming perched  on a sweetgum branch tip on a rainy day. See, this tiny avian beauty is just about the size of a sweetgum fruit..but its chirp is too mellifluous to ignore...

 This stout bird with iridescent emerald plumage, sipping from bladderpod flower is a female Anna's hummingbird....

An Allen sucking nectar from the pretty sage (salvia) blooms....

Another pretty Anna's hummingbird perched on a sweetgum tree...

Hovering female Anna's hummingbird on Kangaroo paw blossoms..........

I was ambling along the apartment pavement and this pretty sight captivated my attention. This pretty humming, most likely a female Anna's was perched on the syrup feeder hung from a neighbor's roof.
Unlike other days, instead of flying away like a dart, she decided to hold her ground and continue the my immense delight...

On abloom quince branches...

Sipping nectar from cape honeysuckle.........

On an autumnal mulberry....

On a Greater bird of paradise....

On a citrus plant...

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