Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Health: Personalized diet............

I have been in biomedical research for a decade now, working on microbiology and bioinformatics mostly........
But, it's high time everybody realizes that health is not discrete state but a balanced system, dependent on multiple variables.....it is like a broad bell curve, but when these permissible limits are violated, the components of health tilt towards hypo or hyper.........both are lethal. The age-old saying 'Too much or too less of anything is bad' holds true for health too....

So, next time when someone says, its good for health, that's bad for health, do not believe blindly.
Each individual is different in their genetic makeup. What works for one person, may not work for the other. That's why current science is focusing on 'personalized therapy...also realizing the importance of 'personalized diet'...

Its can be easily understood, why the personalization is needed. While a person can relish pounds of groundnuts in all forms, raw to roasted to peanut butter...some can not tolerate even a piece of  the peel......reason is the lectin allergy associated with peanut........
Same goes for shrimp, shellfish, nuts, avocado, eggs,  and myriad other foods....
Gluten, milk, and food additive intolerance can be explained by the same line...
We might have 46 chromosomes, and roughly same number of genes, but our allelic makeup is different, which decides if a food will be accepted by the body or it will lead to immune response and inflammation...........
These allergies and inflammation are highly individualistic...so, a consumer should notice and realize, what to continue  and what to shun.........because, ignoring the signal of body means leading to signal perturbation.......which is likely to manifest as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and neural diseases, among others...

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