Friday, November 17, 2017

Thought: Interaction with the missionaries on 'religion'..

Spring morning, Balboa Park..the callery pears were in bloom.
Like most others, we were having a pleasant time by the iconic fountain..

A group of catholic missionaries approached us..
We knew there motives..
Introduction went
Then they asked our thoughts on 'how life started'?
I decided, being a biologist, I can better explain it. So, before anybody could say anything I narrated 'Not my view, I will tell the truth. 'Chemical evolution' is the answer. When right conditions prevailed, an organic molecule was formed. As it faced different stressors,  it diversified and million years of evolution have created the  living organisms.  That's why we share the same genomics with virus, bacteria, fungi, plants and other organisms, which is key region immune system becomes hyperactive in their contact, leading to diseases and death'.
They thought I am a hard nut to crack, and veered towards my spouse.
We hardly talk 'religion', so I had no idea what he will tell.
After, several other stuffs, they asked him his 'views on death and after it'.
Bluntly he told 'I don't know. I don't care. When I am done, I am done'.
It sounded harsh, but truths are harsh and it was truth.
He added 'Do you know why I am here today? To enjoy the nice morning, not to talk religion, life and death. So, if you will excuse us'.
As they left, I heard them mumbling 'Their fundamentals are not clear.

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